One secret to reinvent yourself in midlife

It’s time to make yourself a priority again.

I help moms in mid-life rediscover, reinvent, bring in income & find purpose outside the home. Have fun rediscovering yourself & making your own money again while taking care of your health & your family.

My name is Mimi Velleca and I’m a life coach.

Are you ready to prioritize you again? Or maybe you’ve never made yourself a priority. It’s time. The kids are older and needing less of your time. Your family has always come first and you’re ready to make some decisions just for you.

If you’re like me you have loved staying home with your kids, and you’re now ready to work outside the home and make your own money again.

  • You’re tired of feeling guilty for spending money on yourself or even on your kids.

  • You want to contribute to your family’s income, help pay for kid’s education, plan a trip you want to take.

  • You want to be able to support yourself & your family if you needed to

  • You’re not sure where to start.

  • You’re not sure what you want to do.

  • You’ve always dreamed of (insert dream) but you’re afraid to tell anyone.

What does this next chapter look like for you? How do you want to live? What do you want to do with your time and energy? You’ve focused so much on your kids and that may not change, but it’s time to focus on you again. I like to call it living with intention… deciding how you want to think and feel on purpose.

Come here to learn all the skills you need to take care of your mind, your emotions, your self. Train your brain to feel better and make decisions you love.

You have one body and one brain and it’s important to take care of both.

How would you like a space without judgement? Uncover what’s holding you back and discover what you’re looking for in your next chapter.

Learn tools to reduce anxiety and to make yourself a priority. Build self- belief, feel full of self confidence and love for yourself.

I will believe in you and ensure you believe in yourself too.

Why can a life coach help?

We are taught countless of ways to keep our bodies healthy and strong & you likely do many things daily.

Believe it or not there are small, manageable steps you can do daily to take care of your mental health… to keep your mind healthy and strong.

I am not here to tell you what to do. I am here to show you what’s been holding you back and help you get out of your own way. I am here to help you uncover what you want your next chapter to look like and help you go after it and achieve it. I provide guidance & accountability.

It IS possible to let go of much stress and anxiety. It is possible to worry less and enjoy more. It is possible to accomplish dreams in your life while you care for your family.

There are strategies to feeling better and creating the results you want in your life.

No one taught me these until I discovered The Life Coach School podcast at the age of 50 & hired my own coach. I use these skills every single day now & knew I wanted to help others do the same, which is why I became a certified life coach through the Life Coach School.

As a mom of 3 young adults, I know how easy it is to put your needs aside. Many moms don’t find the time to prioritize themselves in order to care for their family. What I’ve learned is that by taking care of yourself you can better care for your family and be a great role model for your kids

Let’s focus on you. Whatever it is, taking a step in the direction of your wellbeing is worth it. Not sure what life coaching is or how it could benefit you? I will take you through a proven system, step by step. I can help and I’d love to help.

Sometimes it helps to have someone else believe in you so hard that you begin to believe it too.

“Don't just ask yourself, 'What do I want to do? ' Ask yourself: 'WHO do I want to be? ' Because the most important thing I've learned is that what you do will never define you. Who you are always will.”

— Abby Wambach- author of Wolfpack, soccer legend

Life Coaching 101

  • Your mindset matters

    What you’re telling yourself matters & you’re telling yourself things all day long. Become aware of your mindset & make sure it serves you.

  • Power in Thoughts

    Your thoughts create your feelings & your feelings drive both the actions you take in life & the actions you choose not to take. Becoming aware of our thoughts & being willing to feel ALL feelings is where our power lies.

  • Embrace Discomfort

    Discomfort is part of the human experience. The more we learn to embrace it and feel it rather than resist it the healthier & happier we will be.

  • Creating Results

    We are always creating results in our lives with our thinking. If you’re unhappy with your results, it’s time to evaluate your thinking not your circumstances.

  • Ask Great Questions

    Learn to ask yourself great questions, so your brain can get to work looking for answers.

  • Goal Setting

    Learn to set impossible goals & believe in yourself. Learn how to get to work achieving them.

  • Must Reads

    Not enough time? You will love Audible! Listen to great books while you drive, walk to class, etc.

    Wolfpack by Abby Wambach

  • Do you compare yourself to others constantly or find yourself saying negative things to yourself often?

    If so, you are not alone. Would you love to feel more confident ?

  • Do you have so many other voices telling you things to do that you're not sure you can hear your own voice?

    Takig the time to become aware of your thoughts is the first step to reducing stress & feeling better.

  • Do you feel so overwhelmed with life that you feel completely stuck & don’t know where to begin?

    There is good news here. Your schedule doesn’t have to change to stop feeling overwhelmed.