What is Life Coaching?

“The biggest obstacles are inside of us. Everything else is just a circumstance.  The hardest thing is to get past our own bullshit… so you can go out and change the world”. - Erika Royal CEO of the Life coach school 

I love this quote by our CEO at The Life Coach School, because it pretty much sums it up. So much of life is made up of circumstances that we can’t control. We experience life by the way we interpret these circumstances. In other words when something happens we have thoughts about it. We make it mean something. These thoughts cause our feelings and these feelings are what drive our actions or keep us on the couch binging Netflix.

We create the results in our lives by actions we take or don’t take.

The thing is life happens so fast & no one told us this.

That is where life coaching comes in. In life coaching sessions we help you become aware of the thoughts going on in your head. We help you become aware of what you’re making things mean. Oftentimes we are unhappy with things in our lives, but we don’t know how to begin to change it so we try desperately to change other people or the circumstances.

In reality it’s our own thoughts that are causing our pain and suffering & we don’t know it.

It’s hard to change something you’re not even aware of.


You can access happiness today.