
Train your Brain Coaching Program one-on-one


One-on-one coaching :

  • 3 month program

  • 12 one hour group sessions via Zoom

  • 8 recorded videos with additional content

  • printable Train your Brain journal

Live coaching with a certified coach will allow you to discuss whatever your concerns are in your life, things that are holding you back, a goal you’re working towards- anything goes… no rules, no judgement. While working with a coach, you will gain awareness into your thoughts & the power they have in your life. You will learn skills to create results you want in your life, decrease anxiety and gain confidence.

You just show up and I will lead you.

You will get every tool you need to reach your highest potential while taking care of yourself, tools to decrease stress and feel better, tools to manage the little free time you have & much more.

Think about the hours, you have trained your body for a sport or to learn an instrument, act in a musical. Mental fitness is no different. It requires you learn skills and practice them. Over the course of 8 weeks I introduce tools that can be implemented in daily life that will help you feel better & live more confidently. I will help you set big goals & reach them.

While the purpose of life coaching is to improve the wellbeing of these individuals, I can assure you that if these athletes put the skills they learn from me into their sport they will improve as players and as a team.

Enjoy life without sacrificing your health and mental wellbeing .

Train your Brain Workshop


Allow me to customize a workshop or presentation for any size group. I will tailor the presentation to your group and use relevant topics as I teach tools and skills to reduce stress and create results you want in life. Mental fitness is a practice like physical fitness.

Participants will leave with information they can put to use immediately. Workshops are interactive, effective and fun!

Train your Brain Group Coaching Program

  • 12 group coaching sessions via Zoom

  • 8 recorded videos with additional content

  • printable Train your Brain journal

This program is similar to my one-on-one coaching program, but it is in a group setting. I begin with concept that I teach or discuss and then I coach one individual at a time in front of the group.

Yes, it sounds intimidating to get coached in front of a group of your peers and it may feel that way for a few minutes, but the results in a group can be as effective as one-on-one and there are additional benefits as well. In my experience individuals feel less alone and get the added benefit of hearing other people get coached as well.

You learn from each person getting coached and often times you can relate in some way to each coaching session.

Live coaching with a certified coach will allow you to discuss whatever your concerns are in your life, things that are holding you back, a goal you’re working towards- anything goes… no rules, no judgement. While working with a coach, you will gain awareness into your thoughts & the power they have in your life. You will learn skills to create results you want in your life, decrease anxiety and gain confidence.

You just show up and I will lead you.

You will get every tool you need to reach your highest potential while taking care of yourself, tools to decrease stress and feel better, tools to manage the little free time you have & much more.