Take it off the mat… yoga & life coaching

If you’ve ever done much yoga you will have heard an instructor talk about taking your yoga with you off the mat.  I took an outdoor yoga class recently.  It was a beautiful night and the yoga instructor began talking during savasana about taking your yoga practice “off the mat.”  

It got me thinking how the core principles of yoga remind me so much of my work as a life coach.  Many people ask me what it’s like to actually work with a life coach and when I describe it I feel like I could be describing the benefits of a regular yoga practice that you take off the mat.

A life coach does not tell you what to do with your life or suggest what the best decisions would be for you to make.  We do help you learn to make quick decisions when you like your reason.

We all need a safe space and, like a yoga mat, a life coach provides a safe space of non- judgment.  

Like in yoga, we encourage self compassion.  

We teach self awareness, which can transform your life.  

Like in yoga, we explore your connection to self and help you feel strength.

Like yoga, we teach you how to love the body you are in and where it is right now.

This is not about an end result.  It’s all about the transformation.

You’re never expected to be perfect.  You’re expected to work and to be present.

We help you explore areas in your life where you feel stuck.

Take the self compassion that you feel from a life coaching session or a yoga practice into your life so you can better handle the sometimes frustrating, infuriating and difficult moments in life.

I love yoga and have for years.  One of my favorite things to do when traveling is find the local yoga studio.  I highly recommend doing this this summer even if you don’t do yoga often.  You’ll find a great group of people, community and suggestions for enjoying their town.

Here are my top 2 yoga suggestions for day trips from ATL & my fav online yogi.

Chattanooga, TN:  I love Yoga Landing and if you can catch a class by the owner you’ll love it even more.  Her name is Jessica and she’s a lovely person and her yoga class is fantastic with amazing music.  I have only done hot yoga there, but they may have some classes that aren’t hot.  They have padded soft wooden floors and the room is packed with great energy.

Here is one of Jessica’s awesome yoga playlists….


Greenville, SC:   Check out Soul Yoga.  It’s a hot yoga studio in a cool warehouse.  If you have great friends to do this with and laugh at the men who are dripping sweat even better.  I love to go alone as well.

My fave online yoga, which I do a couple times a week is Yoga with Tim… not my husband. :-)  Tim is an amazing instructor and has a great dry wit and an adorable pup that is often doing yoga (or sleeping rather) in the videos.  He does a great 30 day challenge every year that I’ve done the past 4 years, and you can start them any time.  

Follow Tim: https://www.youtube.com/@yogawithtim/videos

Bucket list for me: yoga retreat with Tim’s group

If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of working with a life coach, email me at mimi@mimivelleca.com.  I offer a free consultation.  You can tell me all about your goals and what you want to work on and I can tell you if and how I can help.  




The midlife question not crisis


To the mom of the boy in the car…