To the mom of the boy in the car…

To the mom of the boy in the car…

While waiting at a stoplight on a beautiful day, I heard one of my son’s favorite Zach Bryan songs drifting through my open window. I glanced over and saw a boy, around 17 or 18 years old just like my own son, with his windows down, singing along and looking so happy.  At that moment, I wished I knew the boy so I could text his mom and tell her what I saw.

As a mom of a senior in high school just days after graduation, I know it’s easy to get caught up in the worry and stress our teenagers all seem to experience these days.

Yes, I want him to be responsible and capable, but I also want him to feel carefree and happy.

I wish I could bottle up this moment and send it to you & your teenager during times of doubt, worry, loneliness, or uncertainty.

While I can’t do that, you can do that for yourself.  Hang on to the little moments of joy that you witness your child having and sear them into your brain.  The years go fast.

So, to all moms, imagine it was your child I saw in the car the other day, windows down, singing and happy! 

xoxo, from one mom to another


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